How To Make The Wall Burger — Recipe

Two weeks ago, the third and final debate between presidential hopefuls Donald Trump and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton aired to a captivated audience at The Ainsworth Midtown. But the crowd may have been more captivated by the Burgers being served than the actual debate. Chef Stephen Yen prepared six candidate-themed Burgers to celebrate the …

How To Make The Heirloom Hillary Burger — Recipe

Two weeks ago, the third and final debate between presidential hopefuls Donald Trump and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton aired to a captivated audience at The Ainsworth Midtown. But the crowd may have been more captivated by the Burgers being served than the actual debate. Chef Stephen Yen prepared six candidate-themed Burgers to celebrate the …

How To Make The Mushroom Cheddar Burger — Recipe

Do you love mushrooms, bacon, and cheese? If the answer is yes, then this Burger was made just for you. The Mushroom Cheddar Burger from Chef Howard Snitzer of the Village Green Restaurant in Green Bay, WI, combines all of these delicious ingredients into one decadent and mouth-watering Burger. And before you say, “Hey, I …

Happy Birthday To The Hamburger, America’s Favorite Sandwich

The late 1800s was a pretty important time for America. We saw the birth of basketball, slot machines, aspirin and the Boston Marathon. “Automobiling” AKA riding around in cars was a trend, pictures and sound came together to form “moving pictures” and the very first escalator was installed. Here at Schweid & Sons, we can …