Upgrade Your Dinner Game: Must-Try Food Influencer Recipes 

As the summer continues and your days & nights are filled with Burgers, we want to make sure you don’t run out of Burger recipes (as there are so many out there that you probably haven’t tried!). Take inspiration from our top food influencers from Instagram so you can continue on your Hot Burger Summer! …

The Science of a Perfect Sear: Exploring the Maillard Reaction in Burgers

Welcome to Burger Science 101! Today’s lesson is all about the Maillard reaction. The Maillard reaction happens when the protein and sugar from the meat react with one another over high heat, which gives the Burger a seared, brown edge. This chemical and physical reaction is what gives a Burger the perfect sear, and ultimately …

National Burger Month Celebration: A Journey Through Burger Variations

It’s one of our favorite times of the year, National Burger Month! A whole month dedicated to celebrating what Schweid & Sons is all about – The Very Best Burgers!  May is a perfect time to celebrate the staple of outdoor cooking (Burgers on the grill, of course) and kick off the summer season, especially …

Burger Myths Debunked

Sometimes, it’s hard to separate fact from fiction when it comes to buying and preparing Burgers. There are many Burger myths out there, and we are here to tell you that many of them are just that, myths! Make sure you are aware of what you should and should not do while cooking your Burgers, …