Cottage Pie by George Motz

Cottage Pie is essentially Shepard’s Pie where the lamb ‘mince’ (as the Brits would say) is replaced by beef. Cottage Pie actually predates Shepard’s by many decades and may have origins in peasant cooking going all the way back to the mid-1700s. That would make this dish around 250 years old! It was devised as a way to …

Veggie Smothered Burgers

Veggie Smothered Burgers time! A Burger doesn’t always have to be sandwiched in between two buns, topped with cheese, and loads of unhealthy toppings. Although they are delicious when eaten that way, smothering a patty with your favorite vegetables is another way to enjoy a Schweid & Sons Burger. A Schweid & Sons Burger has …