Saucy Patty Melt Recipe

What is the best way to get your grilled cheese and Burger fix all in one? The Patty Melt! Combining it with the ultimate Patty Melt sauce, it can’t get any better.    The Patty Melt is a symphony of melty cheese, a juicy Burger, with toasted bread that gives you a handheld masterpiece. Whether …

Big Hac

The storied McDonald’s BIG MAC is America’s biggest selling burger “evah* ”! It is ingrained in America’s collective mind by virtue of the snappy advertising jingle “two all-beef patties
” and in America’s heart while severely clogging it and beefing up the waist line of Main Street to Wall Street. I will deconstruct every element of this carne classic and amp up each element to make my BIG HAC gourmand worthy!