
New Jersey Breakfast Burger

American , Burgers

When it comes to breakfast, New Jersey not only raises the bar, it is the bar – which is why we know that you’ll love our New Jersey Breakfast Burger recipe. This delicious breakfast sandwich features our Schweid & Sons The Signature Blend on a bagel, topped with eggs, pork roll, butter, American cheese, ketchup, salt, and pepper. Burgers may not be synonymous with breakfast, but breakfast Burgers should be widely accepted!

The Jersey Burger ups the standards from the classic breakfast sandwich the state prides itself on. Be sure to tag us on Instagram using @schweidandsons or #schweidandsons so we can see your delicious New Jersey Breakfast Burger!


Prep Time

5 Min

Cook Time

20 Min



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New Jersey Breakfast Burger
New Jersey Breakfast Burger
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Servings Prep Time
4 5
Cook Time
Servings Prep Time
4 5
Cook Time
New Jersey Breakfast Burger
New Jersey Breakfast Burger
Votes: 0
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Servings Prep Time
4 5
Cook Time
Servings Prep Time
4 5
Cook Time
  1. Cook Burgers to order (4-5 minutes per side on high heat will usually yield Medium Rare).
  2. In a pan over medium-low heat, melt butter until entire pan is coated.
  3. In a pan over high heat, fry pork roll (or bacon) is desired crispiness. Set aside.
  4. While pork roll (or bacon) is cooking, in a medium bowl crack and scramble eggs with a fork until no white is visible.
  5. Pour eggs into pan and scramble until fluffy-about two minutes, or until desired doneness. Before eggs are cooked through, separate in pan into four equal portions. Place a slice of American cheese on each portion.
  6. Build your Burgers: Bagel Bottom Half, Pork Roll, Burger, Eggs with Cheese, Ketchup, Salt & Pepper, and Bagel Top Half.
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