
Fat Chopped Cheese Recipe

Chopped cheese sandwiches are a staple in the tri-state area. Have you ever heard of a Chopped Cheese sandwich? Or a fat sandwich? How about combining them for the ultimate sandwich?


The Chopped Cheese sandwich comes from the heart of bodegas in New York City and is loved among locals while fat sandwiches have become iconic here in New Jersey through the years. The fat sandwich originated at Rutgers University at a grease truck, where a hungry college student was looking to fulfill his late-night craving by stacking whatever he could fit onto a sandwich.


Take components of each to create the ultimate Fat Chopped Cheese recipe! After stacking your fat sandwich, show us by tagging us on Instagram using @schweidandsons or #schweidandsons.


Pick up a pack of Schweid & Sons patties from your local grocer, find yours here, and get cooking!


Prep Time

15 Min

Cook Time

20 Min



You can check off items on the list below as you complete your ingredients list!

Optional Ingredients