Gas Grills: The Big Grill Debate

Next up in the Grill Debate is the gas grill. A true favorite amongst Burger grillers as it is easy to learn and use.

gas grill

Gas Grills

Moving onto gas grills which offer many benefits to both experienced and inexperienced grillers alike. They are very popular amongst the casual grillers because they are easy to use.

Gas grills are easy to set up – most of the time the retailer you purchased it from sets it up for you! They are also easy to clean and maintain and do not require much of a learning curve. Once you safely hook up the fuel source, all you have to do it turn on the grill and start cooking. Additionally, you don’t have to wait a long time for gas grills to hear up like you do for charcoal grills.

One reason many cooks favor gas grills is that they believe the steam created in the grill increases the Burger’s moisture which leads to a unique taste and texture. If you are a griller that likes to cook with both, there are some gas grill that are designed to use charcoal for fuel as well which would give you the option to switch back and forth between the two methods.

While gas grills are easy to use, they are typically more expensive and have more parts that can fail and require replacement. In a gas grill’s lifetime, you may have to replace burners, gas lines, and other parts that will add up over time.

If you want to spend less time cooking and more time eating, a gas grill may be the best choice for you. But don’t make your decision yet! Up next: the flat top grill!

Missed Part 1? Check it out here.


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