National Hamburger Day Is Here!

Happy National Hamburger Day! Did you know that the annual number of Burgers eaten in the US is around 50 billion?? Burgers are loved so much that every year on May 28thwe take time to celebrate National Hamburger Day. While no one knows when this unofficial holiday was created, we believe it was created by someone who wanted to appreciate the beauty that is the Burger. Now, onto some fun facts about Burgers! 

The History

The origin of the Hamburger has been disputed throughout history, but the first Hamburg Steaks are thought to be introduced to the U.S. by German immigrants during the 18th and 19th centuries. Over the years, that dish has evolved into what we know today as the beloved Hamburger and in the 1920s, the Cheeseburger.  American GI’s during WWII tried to rename hamburgers as “Liberty Sandwiches”.  Today, hamburgers account for almost half of all sandwiches sold in the US!  

How to celebrate?

You can celebrate National Hamburger Day any way you want but the best way is by eating a Burger! Every good Burger starts with the beef patty and at Schweid and Sons, we know beef. In order to properly celebrate this holiday, we suggest throwing some Schweid and Sons Butcher’s Blend patties on the grill.  Then, add some toppings, such as cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, pickles and maybe even some bacon. Build the Burger up and chow down!  

Needing some National Hamburger Day inspirations? Check out our recipes here!

We would love to see how you are celebrating this fun holiday. Share your Schweid and Sons Burger creations with us on our social media @SchweidAndSons or leave it in the comments here.  

You can find your favorite Schweid & Sons products in a store near you, just use our store locator link here

Happy National Hamburger Day! 


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